Most Reverend David John James Monroe

Date of Birth: April 14, 1941 Vancouver, BC
Priestly Ordination: May 20, 1967 by Most
Reverend James Carney St. Anthony's Vancouver, BC
Episcopal Ordination: March 12, 2002 Installed
as Bishop of Kamloops on March 18, 2002 Bishop Emeritus
BC Catholic News
High School: St. Patrick's Seminary of
Christ the King
1959-1963 Theology: 1963-1967 Seminary of Christ
the King
September 14, 1990 Prelate of Honor
other offices
1965-2002 Counselor, Director, and Chaplain at
Camp Latona (37 years) 1968-2002 Chaplain to the
Deaf 1982-2002 Presbyteral Council and Chaplain to the
Legion of Mary 1984
The Liturgy for the Papal Visit 1984-2002 Liturgical
Commission 1985-2002 Archdiocesan Building
Commission 1988-2002 College of Consultors 1994-2002
Deputy Delegate to the Clerical Sexual Abuse
Committee 1995-2002 Board of Directors of the Catholic
Independent Schools
of the Vancouver Archdiocese 1995-2002 Representative on
the Board of Management of St. Mark's
College 1995-2002 Chairman of the Steering Committee of
Project Advance 1998-2002 Archbishop's Representative to
St. Joseph's Society
Marriage Tribunal

are common to Vancouver (the
Lions), where I grew up and where I have been a priest, and to
Kamloops (
Paul). Major events in the life of Jesus take place on
the mountain: as disciples, we come and see Him in the 'Sermon
on the Mount'; on the mountain we find Jesus in prayer; there
we see His divinity in the Transfiguration, and His humanity
on Calvary .
Jesus is the mountain we ascend in our spiritual life.
The star is a symbol of Mary, the "Morning Star"
and the 'Star of Evangelization' (Pope John Paul II). She
is the patroness of both the Archdiocese of Vancouver under
the title of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, and the Diocese
of Kamloops under the title of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The cross is central in Jesus' invitation to come and
see, and the eagle, known for its keen vision, looks toward
the cross. The eagle is the symbol of St. John
apostle, from whose Gospel the motto, "Come and See,"
has been taken. St.
John the
Apostle is the patron of the parish where I was born and last
served as pastor. The golden eagle is also the emblem of
the Clan Munro (Monroe). Behind the eagle is the
carpenter's square, a symbol of St. Joseph
patron of Canada .
In the cross, star and square we have the Holy Family -
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
MOTTO - "Come and See"
("Venite et Videte") - is taken from the Gospel of
Saint John (1:35-39/1:46/4:29). Two disciples, one of whom
was probably the evangelist John, left John the Baptist to follow
Jesus. Jesus asked them, "What do you seek?"
They replied, "Teacher, where are you staying?"
Jesus said to them, "Come and see." Jesus
issues this invitation to everyone who wants to be His disciple.
His invitation means more than going down the block and
visiting Jesus for a while: it means having the company of Jesus
on our life's journey; seeing Jesus as Philip did when he said to
Nathaniel, "Come and See" ("Veni et Vide");
or as the woman of Samaria told the people of the city to "Come
and See." Jesus invites us to be God's children now,
and, at the end of our earthly journey, to come to Him in Heaven
and "See God as he really is." (1 John 3:1-2)